Hikaru Gosunkugi

Gosunkugi's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Hikaru Gosunkugi
Age: 16
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Like Water for Ranma
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 4
Love Interest: Akane
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma, Kuno

Profile: Hikaru Gosunkugi is a character in the Ranma 1/2 series that you don't see all that often. "You wouldn't know me," he says, "Nobody does." Gosunkugi prefers to keep in the shadows, and strike at his enemies indirectly with Japanese Voodoo. Fortunately, he's not quite good at it.

Gosunkugi was at first content to love Akane without actually talking to her, but then he found a new and dangerous enemy in Ranma Saotome. Ever since it was found out that Ranma was engaged to the girl Gosunkugi was in love with, Akane Tendo, Gosunkugi's hated Ranma, and has tried to get Ranma out of the way many times, usually with schemes that are very transparent and easy to see through. Of course, Ranma isn't fooled by any of it and thwarts Gosunkugi every time.

Personality: Gosunkugi is weak, and he knows it. He is cowardly and prefers to "stab people when they're not looking". He also tends to latch onto more powerful individuals, like Kuno, in order to further his own needs. Gosunkugi has an obsession with Akane, and is always carrying a camera to snap new pictures of her. He's also threatened easily, but he's always plotting and planning...unfortunately for him, most of his plans fail miserably.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez